Saturday, December 8, 2012


The BEST thing about my school is the amazing teachers who work there.  They're all so friendly and outgoing, exactly what you need when you're living hours and hours away from your family and friends.  We started a "book club" (minus the books) and I hosted the first gathering in our tiny apartment Thursday night.  We've been so, so busy at work lately getting ready for our big inspection, and this was the perfect way to forget about work for a night and have fun. 

The teachers minus Julie and Jamie.

Naomi and Lyndsey

The Jessica pose

Casey even made it home from work in time to hang out with us for a bit!

Jamie and Jay

Crazy Nicole

Her most famous drunk face

Jordan's photo shoot... something that happens regularly.  There's a lot of hair whipping and head spinning going on.

Jordan and Amy

Sharon and Alice

Jay and Jamie again.

More photo-shooting on the balcony.

Alice and Casey bonding over Wu Tang


We took about a million pictures, and sadly these were the best ones.  I am so thankful to work with so many fun people!  Rachael, Jordan, Amy, Nicole and I took the party to a bar down the street and danced for a few hours after everyone left.  I had so much fun and it was exactly what I needed after a few sad weeks of missing home.

 And what's the best way to cure a hangover?  Breakfast on the Marina Walk, laying out at the pool, an air show on the beach at the World Parachuting Championships, and an evening with Casey, Chris and Mary Beth on the Palm.  Definitely one of the best weekends I've had in Dubai! 


  1. What a difference from the group you taught with in Denver! OMG. I was smiling the whole time I was looking at your pictures. I am very happy for you. Your post made me miss the camaraderie of my teaching days.
    I am very happy for you.

  2. It must have been A LOT of fun if you pulled out the "Jessica Pose." Miss you guys!

  3. Looks like y'all had a great time. So happy you have fun people to work and hang out with. Love all the funny pics. I even saw a pinterest decoration in there, right? Glad you had a fabulous weekend. All your family and friends miss y'all so much too. Love y'all.
