Monday, December 10, 2012

A Stroll on the Beach

If there is any better way to spend your time after work than a stroll on the beach, I certainly can't think of one.  This is one of the things I love about Dubai.  We all know the last few months have been hard, but when I can come home from work and hang out with Casey on the beach, I'm pretty much as happy as I can get.

The desert sun does weird things to photos.

When Casey saw this pic, he laughed harder than I've heard in a really long time.  Note to self: take more pics of randoms jogging in Speedos.

Raging Dubai waves.



It takes the sun approximately 3.4 seconds to set here.

Our neighborhood beach camels :)

Good things are on the horizon for us -  Casey only has 4 days of work left, I have 8, and in 12 days we leave for London.  Woot!  Can't freaking wait.


  1. So jealous! Love the beach. So relaxing and amazing how it can just wash those stresses right away. Gorgeous pics, minus the dude in the speedo. :0) YAY for 4/8 days left and triple YAY for leaving for London. So excited for you guys. I know it is a much needed trip. I can't wait to see the fb and blogs about your adventures in London.

  2. Casey, I can tell from that first picture that you are still addicted to collecting sea shells. Am I right? Glad to know that some addictions are forever AND they are good for you. Are the shells there any different from the ones you collected back here? Other types? Enjoy your treasure hunts.
    Big Mama

  3. Oops. When I saw the picture of the "raging waves," it prompted me to ask:
    Casey, do you still have all of your hair?

    1. he's definitely obsessed with shells, only now it's more sea glass than shells. and his bald spot is growing back... slowly ;)
