Friday, September 14, 2012

Dubai Favorites and Unfavorites


1. The beach (even though it's too hot to really enjoy it right now). Neither one of us has ever lived by the beach so we're counting down the days until we can make the most of it.  We FINALLY got our own apartment, and we can see the beach from the balcony.  It's not a full view because buildings are in the way, but it's enough for us, and we can see camels walking on the beach in the mornings!

2. The desert!  It's beautiful and the camels are funny little creatures to watch. We can't wait to go on a desert safari so we can dune bash, ride camels, get henna tattoos, smoke sheesha, take sunset photos, eat on pillows and watch belly dancers.  Someone hurry up and visit so we can take you!

3.  The diversity. We love meeting people from all around the world and learning funny things people say like "togs" instead of bathing suit and "jandals" instead of sandals. 

4.  The food. It's amazing. Bu Qtair is our favorite so far. And Casey wanted me to make sure you know how delicious dates are. He's obsessed.  Dates aren't my favorite, but I do love the naan. 

5.  The service at restaurants, hotels and bars is THE best. Someone is always there trying to make your life easier and happier and calling you madam or sir.  It makes us feel fancy :)

6.  The travel opportunities. We have two trips planned already, one during Christmas and one next summer, and we have so many countries on our list of places we want to see - Thailand, India, Turkey, New Zealand, Australia, Greece, the entire continent of Europe, anywhere in Africa...I could go on forever. Hopefully we'll be able to see most of the countries on our wish list.

7.  Access to everything we could possibly want or need. The malls here are incredible.  We just spent 5 hours at the Dubai Mall and it was a completely pleasant experience. There is so much to see and do that time just slips away. We did a little window shopping, sipped fancy teas and nibbled macaroons by a waterfall, did some more window shopping, ate dinner at a delicious Lebanese restaurant, and then watched the fountain show outside by the Burj Khalifa. We walked for probably three hours and only saw maybe a quarter of the mall. It's massive!

8.  My school!  I love my job!  I'm teaching third grade for the first time and its definitely a change I needed. I love fourth grade but after teaching it for 7 years, it's just time to move on.  All of the teachers are so nice and helpful and there are tons of new people this year so we're all kind of figuring things out together.  I only have 11 students, 3 of whom don't speak English, and it's one of the best teaching experiences I've had so far. 

9.  Taxis are cheap, and so is gas.  When Casey fills up, it's about $17, AND someone else pumps the gas for you!  The minimum fee for a taxi is about $3.  Cheap, cheap, cheap. 

10.  The buildings are beautiful!  I never get tired of driving around the city because there are so many gorgeous things to look at (if you look past the construction :)). 


1.  The rental process. I don't even want to go into this right now because it'll make me mad again.

2.  There's an overwhelming feeling of a cast system here, which we'll describe more in a later post, but we're definitely going out of our way not to participate.

3.  The rule that you have to pay for your ENTIRE year's rent BEFORE you move in!  Who has that much money?? 

4.  How freaking long it takes to get a stinking bank account!  We still don't have one!

5.  Casey working on the weekends. :(  This is the worst thing about Dubai by far.

6.  August.  It's too hot and humid, but September is a little cooler and by October, I think it'll be just right :)

7.  Our kitties are too far away and we don't know if they'll ever be able to join us.  This has been the biggest bummer of the move so far.  We miss them so much and wanted them here for a little piece of home, but we just don't think it's going to happen.  Thanks to the amazing Jessica and Hunter, they have a loving temporary home, but we need to figure out where their new home will be until we get back.  Bummer, bummer, bummer.  Best kitties ever.


  1. Love it! Love hearing your favorites and unfavorites. Over all seems like it has been an amazing experience so far!! So glad. I have really enjoyed reading all your post. It's so interesting!! Keep the post coming. Miss and love y'all! :)
