Friday, September 21, 2012

Kitty Soulmates

Not everything in Dubai is peachy.  I miss the kitties terribly.  When we left Colorado at the end of July, Jessica and Hunter offered to take care of the kitties until we could fly them to Dubai.  We originally thought that would be the end of August (when we got our own apartment), but it's almost the end of September, we just moved into our own place (thank God!) and the kitties are still in Denver.  The apartment hunt was a nightmare, but finding a place that allowed cats was one of our top priorities.  The agent told us it was no problem, but when it was time to move in, the contract said no pets.  I was working, and Casey was desperate to get into our own place so he signed it.  I don't blame him and would have done the same thing because the rental process here is exhausting and frustrating and l-o-n-g and who knows when we would have found another place.  We thought maybe we could just sneak them in, but it's not like Denver where you can just pay an extra pet fee.  I'm pretty sure they'd ship the cats back to America if they found out we had them, and it's too expensive and hard on the kitties to put them through all of that stress if we're not sure they can stay.  I'm not a crazy cat lady, but I love my kitties as much as any human and selfishly wanted them here with me as my little piece of home. 

Thank God for Jessica and Hunter!  They're kitty-loving angels sent from heaven to take care of our loves.  They are giving them the best foster home we could ever ask for until we can find a more permanent place for them.  They built a blanket fort for Owen to hide in, take Leon to the vet every two weeks until his freaking leg heals, pet him under his mega cone so his skin doesn't go raw, and give them lots of love and cuddles.  Frankie's even warming up to them.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of my sweet boys:

Leon, my first born

I miss this little nose.

My handsome cone kitty

A tiny scratch, or so we thought.  Jessica's cat, Frankie, gave Leon a little welcome scratch, which turned out to be a wound open to his ligament and veins with a kitty claw stuck inside.  It STILL hasn't healed almost two months later.  So bizarre.

Owen, the sweetest kitty there ever was

He's such a good sleeper :)

Look at that perfect profile!

One of my favorite pictures, napping with my loves

We love living here because it's giving us so many opportunities to travel and learn more about the world, but I can't wait to get home next summer so I can see my sweet boys again!

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