Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Very Own Mini Roald Dahl Museum

Hi again.  I'm a blogging machine this week!

Look what I found when I went to bed last night.

My very own Roald Dahl Museum memory collection!  How awesome is that?  Now I have my very own mini Roald Dahl museum in my closet any time I want to visit.  Casey's the best :)


  1. Ahhh....what a sweetheart! I guess he knew that Roald Dahl memorabilia would mean more to you than anything else. Enjoy. Is the "Writing Hut" book for teachers? To help them teach writing? [Yes, I know that's a sentence fragment.] I can't read the other titles. Are you back in school?

    1. It's not for teachers but it does tell you every little fact there is to know about his writing hut and how he wrote - even better if you ask me! i got some goodies to take to my students, too :) school starts sunday.
