Friday, November 16, 2012

The Kitties Are Here! The Kitties Are Here!

I think this picture says it all...

The kitties are here, F-I-N-A-L-L-Y here, and we couldn't be happier!  It was such a long, hard process getting them here that I didn't let myself get excited until they were in our apartment.  I'm sure Jessica and Hunter feel the same way.  I had a fear that the UAE would send them back to the US, they'd die on the plane, or the awful company we had to hire to get them here would F something else up and they wouldn't make it.  We didn't even get their food and litter box until the night they arrived. 

We're so proud of the kitties!  They must have been SO freaked out on the plane.  Can you imagine riding in cargo for 15ish hours?  They left Denver Monday afternoon, made a pit-stop in Germany for some fresh air, food and a potty break, and were back on the plane headed to Dubai.  Casey picked them up at 3:00 Wednesday morning.  We were really expecting them to be mad at us when they got here, but they have adjusted so quickly.  Leon was pretty much normal after 15 minutes of exploring, and Owen, the cat who hid for an entire month after we moved to Denver, emerged from his hiding spot a day later. 

Here's proof.

We've been trying to get good pictures of them, but just when they're in the perfect position and we get the camera ready, they decide they'd rather have pets than glamor shots.   We have about a million pictures of them walking toward the camera.

His poor little nose was raw when he got here.  He must have been trying to dig his way off the plane :(

They've been super cuddly and sweet, and we're very thankful that they've forgiven us for leaving them for 4 months and making them fly all the way over here. 

In other news, there's not much going on.  Casey and I had our second day off together yesterday, and it was GLORIOUS!  We didn't do anything special, but being home together for more than a 3 hours feels amazing.  We started working on a special project for the apartment that I'm in love with, and I hope it turns out the way it is in my mind.  I'll show you when we're done. :)

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