Friday, January 18, 2013

This One's For Rit

After being scolded by Casey's bff :), I realized I hadn't written anything in a couple weeks, and it was probably time to whip something up.  Nothing too exciting has been going on; we've just been suuuuuuuper busy and my new professor is CRAZY with the amount of work she expects us to do.  Doesn't she know I have better things to do like walk on the beach and play with camels?

Here are our most recent pictures...

Our favorite neighborhood beach camels.  
I felt bad for them for months until I saw how sweet their owner is with them.  He clearly loves them and they clearly love him.  One of the camels even pulled a kitty move and petted himself on his owner's leg.

Definitely the camel's best side.

Pretty Dubai sky

(Sorry about the poor quality of the next photos.  Jordan took them with her iPhone, loaded them to Facebook, and I stole them.)

The lovely teachers of Collegiate American School!  Our school is one of five schools owned by the same company, and they throw the best parties.  Our winter party was at the Atlantis with all-you-can-eat, all-you-can-drink, all-you-can-dance amazingness.  The theme was crazy hats, and we found out that, compared to the other schools in the company, CAS definitely has the best school spirit.  Thanks to my obnoxious scream alone, one of the fourth grade teachers won an iPad!  Awesome party, awesome teachers, awesome prizes.  

Jordan, Kelly and I on our way to the marina after the party... in a school bus.  We totally took a school bus to a bar where we danced the night away to our favorite band.  Our hats got weird looks going in, but by the end of the night everyone wanted to wear them.

I'd Hit That!
That's the name of our super awesome sand volleyball team.  Wednesday was our first set of games and we lost all three, but we were definitely the most entertaining team out there.  The best thing about sand volleyball is you can use your feet and head.  I should probably just stick to heading and kicking the ball because I suck with my hands.

And here's pretty Leon sitting on a chair on the balcony admiring the marina.  He's starting to love Dubai, and I think we might be leaning that way, too (shh, don't tell Colorado).

In the last bit of blog-worthy news, I chipped my bottom tooth this week.  No, I wasn't doing anything cool like doing a back flip or chasing a sand cat; I was eating a cinnamon raisin bagel chip...


  1. Camel's face is priceless

  2. And are you suggesting that 2.5 more years could be 4-5 returning to Colorado?

    1. No way. I'm just suggesting that I will enjoy our time here for 2.5 years instead of wishing I was in Colorado every day.

  3. Yay! I have been checking lately for a new post, so yay to open it up and see one!! Love the camel pic, love y'all's hats, Love the name of your v-ball team lol, and love Leon. I also love that y'all are starting to love Dubai. Of course I miss y'all and wish you were closer, but since y'all will be there a while I am glad y'all are leaning towards loving it. :0)
