Saturday, July 13, 2013

Oh, Hello There.

It's been a hot minute since we posted anything but for good reasons.  The last few weeks have been busy, busy.  Casey went home for a few weeks (totally jealous), I wrapped up the school year, which always comes with longer hours and added stress, and we went on my dream vacation to Austria and beyond.  So much has happened in the past month (including the purchase of a DISHWASHER, which, sadly, might be one of the most exciting events) that I don't even know where to start.  How about a list?  That seems easiest.

1.  Let's start with the DISHWASHER!  Celebrating this sounds a little silly, but we've been trying so hard to live without a dishwasher while we're here because literally no one we know has one.  It's harder than you think, but I just kept thinking that millions of people around the world don't have dishwashers or dishes or even water, so I tried not to complain.  It started getting a little ridiculous, though, when we refused to cook dinner because we didn't want to wash the dishes.  I finally broke down and bought one while Casey was in Denver, and now I feel stupid for waiting so long.  Dishwashers are magical machines! 

2.  We had SO much food on this trip that we made a pact to go on a 5 day juice fast when we got back.  During the fast, we can drink as many juices as we want, all the fruits and veggies the heart can desire.

3.  We lasted one half-day, 3 juices.  I was so confident going into it, but just couldn't do it anymore.  So weak.  I underestimated my need to chew and broccoli juice just wasn't cuttin' it anymore.

4.  This vacation might be the best vacation I will ever go on in my life.  It was spectacular and we got to see so much.  I can't wait to share it with you!

5.  It feels oddly good to be back in Dubai.  I'm blaming it on the fact that all of our things and comfy bed are here.  And our kitties, of course.  They hung out with our teaching assistant, Juvy, while we were gone and she took such good care of them. :)

6.  Whilst hammocking in Italy last week, I redecided that I'm happiest in Colorado.  I only lived there for one year before moving to Dubai, but it's my home and I can't wait to go back.  Casey agrees.  We've secretly been planning to move to Europe or Asia after this year for 2 more years, but I really just want to be in Colorado.  Family and friends, Thanksgiving at Jody's, mountain adventures, snowy winters and delicious home-cooked stews, happiness, normalcy, babies... these are the things I want and living abroad is only keeping me from those things.  Traveling the past couple of years has been AMAZING and I couldn't be content going back to Colorado if we hadn't done that.  We just keep telling ourselves that moving home doesn't mean we can't travel anymore and if we want to live abroad again, we can certainly do that.  

7.  In 5 days, I'll be in TEXAS!  Woot!  Can't wait to see my family and friends and all of the new babies and eat delicious things like Babe's Chicken and Piranha Killer Sushi.  Luckily my sister has 72 workouts planned for us so hopefully my fitness won't get too out of control. 

That's all for now. I'm off to organize pictures so I can overwhelm you with the finest European memories money can buy.

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo for a new post! :). Yay for you guys going so long without a dishwasher. I would totally have gone crazy too. So happy you got to go on your dream trip and it was everything you imagined and more. I can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics. My favorite part of this post however is #7! Sooooo excited to see you and hang out!! Woot woot.
