Monday, March 11, 2013

Counting Down the Days 'til Spring Break

While my friends in Texas are enjoying their first real day of Spring Break, the teacher folks here in Dubai are just trying to pass the time 'til ours... only 2.5 more weeks to go...

The best way to pass the time is to stay busy, so Nicole very awesomely arranged a surfing lesson for Jordan and me in Al Ain on Friday.  Al Ain is a neighboring emirate known for its beautiful gardens and natural oases.  There's not a whole lot going on in Al Ain, but it does have a sweet wave pool called Wadi Adventure. 

Nicole, Sam and Kelly are old surfing pros, so they watched while we had our lesson.  Surfing is something I've been wanting to try for a long time, but the ocean scares me.  Like what if I get my arm bitten off by a ravenous shark?  Or get pummeled into the sand by a giant wave and lose all of my hair like Casey?  And let's not forget the time Nicole got a jellyfish sting on her hooha.  None of those things sound fun to me.
The wave pool was the perfect safe place to try surfing for the first time.  It was basically just a lot of paddling out and popping up on the board, promptly followed by awkward falls into the water and a giggle.  We both stood a few times, which I considered a huge victory, and decided we're definitely going back to try it again.

Me, Jordan, Roberto the instructor

Me trying desperately to stand!

Jordan totally surfing!!

Nicole, Sam and Kelly surfed after our lesson, and it was amazing to watch them.  They make it look so easy, and Sam can do all sorts of fancy turns and tricks.  I was in awe of the way his feet stuck to the board.  Mine just seemed to want to jump off.

Nicole kicking that wave's ass!


Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of Kelly because we were surfing at the same time :-/

We left exhausted and full of bruises, but it was worth it.

Saturday Casey and I ventured out to Miracle Garden, the "most beautiful and largest natural garden in the world" (you know Dubai loves superlatives).  With the title like that, we were expecting something grander than it was.  It turns out that there's nothing miraculous about it, and it was actually kind of disappointing.  Half the flowers were dying, but it was fun to be amongst pretty colors and green grass again for a little while.

This man is everywhere.


And last but not least, I finally cut my hair!  I've been growing it out for Locks of Love but decided I'm not ready to cut it to my chin yet, so I did a half cut, will grow it out again and then I'll cut it for good.  It feels so so short after my long rat tail, but it's really not that short.

 New hair photo shoot!  I think it needs more blonde, don't you?


  1. amazing post. great pictures shared. your blog is really attractive. thanks for sharing this post :)
    Dhow Cruise Dubai

  2. Beautiful pics again! Yes more blonde!!
