Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Try Not To Be Jealous, But...

I have my annual February sickness.  This was me last night.

Hot, eh?  Watery eyes, raw nose from blowing every five seconds, massive headache, achy skin, yucky cough and a temperature for the first time in years.

In all of my teaching years, I've never had to take 2 days off in a row from a sickness.  Maybe that's because I always get sick on a holiday or weekend, but still.  I'm making history here.  Two days off in a row PLUS a weekend.  Surely I'll feel better by Sunday.

Casey snapped this lovely gem last night.  I was so sleepy and tired of waking up every 5 seconds to wipe my drippy nose, so I did something I never thought I'd do and stuck a tissue up there so I could sleep in peace.  Sometimes sleep is more important than beauty.

Here's me today - same old hair and mascara from yesterday.  Maybe I'll get enough energy to take a shower later tonight, but it doesn't seem likely.

Best part about being sick?  Casey made me homemade chicken noodle soup last night!!  It was AMAZING and exactly what I needed to cheer me up.  Best husband ever.


  1. you look horrible. maybe you should come back to Colorado. you've never been sick here. :)

  2. Even when you are sick you have beautiful blue/green eyes.

  3. What blooms in the sand to make you so sick! Hope you are better today!

  4. Hope you are feeling better friend. :0)
