Friday, November 23, 2012


For the past two Thanksgivings, Casey and I have celebrated in Raleigh, NC, aka the BEST Thanksgiving EVER.  I met his family three years ago at Thanksgiving and felt like I was in a movie.  It's the dream Thanksgiving - perfect weather, perfect house, delicious food, turkey smoking outside all day, wine and games before dinner, amazing people... It's really the best.  This year we were extra sad we wouldn't be there because Casey's brother flew in all the way from Taiwan.  This was definitely one of the sadder weeks in Dubai :(

I think everyone here was sad they were missing their family's Thanksgiving, so we decided to make the most of it and have Friendsgiving, the best alternative to movie-inspired Thanksgivings. :)

 These pictures aren't the best, but I wanted to document the occasion anyway.  There were about 15 of us, mostly from my school, and we had the best time eating, drinking wine and laughing. 


Lots of Americans and Canadians and one guy from Wales.

This is the school-provided housing - HUGE compared to our apartment.  I think our apartment would fit in Katherine's living room...

If we have to miss Thanksgiving in Raleigh, this is the best alternative.  :)

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