Monday, October 1, 2012

Running the Marina Walk

Ah, the Marina Walk... it's the reason we took the housing allowance and went through hell to live in Bay Central.  It's fabulous - 7 km of restaurants and bars, boats floating by and peaceful water views, and one of the most beautiful places in Dubai.  Welp, after three long weeks of living here, Casey and I finally checked it out.  A few girls at my school are doing some races next month - a 5k, 10k and possibly a half marathon in the winter - and I blindly agreed to run with them before assessing my running skills... they're bad... so bad that I ran for the first time since the half in June (a measly 3k), and my entire body, including weird muscles in my arms and shoulders, hurt for three days.  BUT we ran the Marina Walk tonight, and I felt GREAT!  I didn't feel as wimpy as I did on the treadmill, and I didn't have time to think about hating running because there were so many new things to look at!  And, best of all, Casey was with me, so it was kind of like a mini date. :)

We obviously didn't take these pictures because we were running, but here's the Marina Walk.
It was voted one of the best places in Dubai to get fit.  Maybe someone will spot us running by and want to take our pictures because we look so fit!
Don't you want to visit us now so you can run here, too? :)

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