Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Words

The best thing about meeting people from different countries is learning new words.  My favorites all come from my kiwi co-teacher and her lovely friend, Nicole, who teaches kindergarten.

togs = bathing suit
Let me just grab my togs, and off to the beach we'll go!

jandals = sandals
My jandals are filled with sand!

duck = crazy drivers
(After someone tries to kill us with their car, which happens daily)... What a duck!

I think you should try working these words into your daily conversations.  Your friends will totally be impressed :)


  1. Haha i'm sure the word was actually duck ;)

  2. It is! That's the greatest part! I tend to say nastier words and they just say duck. It's great :)

  3. Yes. TOTES!
    My daughter-in-law taught me that word.
