Sunday, May 26, 2013

Camels and Other Things


Aren't they the coolest?

This is a sure sign that we have nothing to write about...

Here are my thoughts for the week.

We have 18 days of school left!  How is this even possible?  It's almost June.  Hopefully the days will go by quickly.  We have a field trip tomorrow to the theater to see George's Marvelous Medicine (yay Roald Dahl!), Student Showcase Day (Open House) on Thursday, a short week, and then the kids will start trickling away for early summer vacations.  Chop chop, June 24th!

Juicing is rocking our lives!  It's definitely expensive but we're obsessed and I feel so much healthier.  I don't care if it's the placebo effect or not; I feel great :)  We had a few juicing blunders, mainly with beets and lemons, but we're honing our skills and getting better every day.  My favorite, favorite "juice" is a half-juice drink I had at a Belgian cafe last week.  If you don't have these ingredients, run out to your store and get them as soon as possible.  You'll thank me after you taste it.

Freshly squeezed orange juice
Soy milk
Coconut Milk
Splash of lemon
Touch of honey

Mix together (I don't know the exact measurements, so I just played with it until it was delicious) and enjoy.  It's so, so, so good.

I'm also obsessed with my new face wash.  My skin feels better, looks better and doesn't get oily halfway through the day like it used to.  Last week, I came home from work to spruce up before the talent show.  Normally, I would have washed my face and reapplied my make-up, but not this week.  Nope, I just splashed a little water on it, not because I needed to but because I was HOT, did a little makeup sprucing and left.  Easy Peasy.  AND, my face STILL wasn't oily, even after the show.

The new hair routine is going well, but I'm not obsessed with it like the face wash.  It feels like it's making my hair a bit thicker and more course.  My hair is pretty fine and too soft, so I'll take any thickness I can get.   I bought the best chemical-free shampoo I could find this weekend so I can mix that into the routine once a week or so.

Casey goes home in a couple weeks and I'm SO jealous!  I heard a song yesterday that reminded me of Colorado and got super homesick.  If it wasn't $1,500 to fly home, I'd go with him just so I could spend 4 days in Denver.  I.  Miss.  It.  So.  Much.

Highlight of our weekend: clean air plants!  We now have a total of five permanent plants and a vase of rotating flowers.  This is a lot for our tiny apartment, but plants make me happy.  Aaaannnnd this is why we have nothing to write about - we can't get out of our homebody routine.  Cooking, shopping for pots and organizing things around the apartment sounds so much more appealing to me than crazy drunken nights.  And it's too hot to go to the beach, so home is where we'll be for the next 4 weeks... until we're in AUSTRIA!!!!  

Speaking of Austria, we still have 3 hotels to book, a car and a flight home... I couldn't be more excited for this trip, but my trip-planning motivation is waning.

I'll try to pump some excitement into my life this week to enhance your reading experience.  Until then, you can admire this beautiful guy.


  1. I love the way you write my lovely girl!!!

  2. I will love photographing these beautiful creatures.
