Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy First Day of Work to Us!!

If today is any indication of how my year will go, it's going to be amazing!  It was such a nice first day of work.  I met the other new teachers, chatted over breakfast and coffee, learned a few usernames and passwords, and then shopped for apartments in the Dubai Marina.  Such a great day!  The school awesomely scheduled shopping at the Mall of the Emirates into the day, but since I had already been there and couldn't set up my classroom because supplies aren't here yet, they let two other girls and I shop for apartments.  We weren't very successful, but after being there all afternoon, I definitely know it's where I want to be.  Luckily Casey loves it, too :)

Professor Casler also started his first day of work today, and I think he's a little overwhelmed right now.  He's not only starting a new profession, but the beginning of any school year is crazy, and he has to work tons of hours.  Hopefully everything will slow down in a few weeks, so we can balance work with the easy peasy vacation life we've grown to love over the past couple of weeks.

I don't have any pictures of my classroom or school yet, but if you want to check out the school, you can at  I'm teaching third grade for the first time with a lovely girl from New Zealand, and I'm so excited to try out Whole Brain Teaching.  I think it's going to be an amazing year!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Eating with Anthony Bourdain

Last night Chris took us to his favorite restaurant in Dubai, Bu Qtair.  It's a tiny fish shack by the beach, and we've been dying to try it out since we saw it on No Reservations.  

The restaurant has no menus, just three "catches of the day" and shrimp, all covered with the same seasoning.  They fry the fish when you order it and bring it out to your table with rice, veggies, coconut curry sauce and bread,  and OHMYGOSH, it was the most delicious meal we've had in a very long time.  Anthony Bourdain definitely knows what he's doing. 

The amazing fish.
(Look beyond the scary fish face to the perfectly seasoned deliciousness.)
Casey tried to eat the eye, but it was all hard and he couldn't chew it, so he spit it out.

Chris and Casey before dinner.
One of the best things about this place is the tables and chairs.  On busy nights, you grab a plastic chair from the stack and find an open spot in the dirt.  There are only about four or five tables, so when they bring out your food, they steal a table from someone who's done eating and bring it to you.  Chris calls it the epitome of just in time, and I think that's perfect.

These dark pictures don't do the place justice.  We're looking into a dehumidifier for our camera, and when we have it, we'll try again so you can see Bu Qtair in all of its glory.

If you ever visit us in Dubai, we're definitely taking you here.  It's the most simple idea for a restaurant, but it's SO good.  I could go back and have the exact same meal tonight.

Bu Qtair on No Reservations, if you're interested :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We Live on a Palm Tree!

For five days anyway :)

Our stay at the hotel is over, and the amazing Chris and Mary Beth are very graciously letting us stay with them until Monday.  They have THE most incredible apartment on the Palm.  We're pretty much on vacation (from our 2 year vacation) for the next five days. 

Their apartment building.

They have a flower shop IN their building!

And a cute little dessert shop (and a restaurant and grocery store, too)!

The view from the pool :)

(Don't mind the gigantic crane in the background.)

We live at the beach!
We've never lived at the beach!

This is what it looks like when we try to take our own picture.

Isn't this place incredible?  I think we're getting a little too spoiled here.  We will definitely be sad Monday morning when we have to leave.

Dubai Museum

Today was Learn About Dubai Day!  After the mosque, we headed over to the museum to learn all about the history of Dubai, the UAE and how people survived in the desert before all of the fancy skyscrapers.

Three of their biggest money makers revolved around the sea, obviously.  They fished, built fishing boats, and dove for pearls.  The pearl divers went on 50 three-minute dives per day!  Holy man. 

 Their boats are beautiful, too!

So excited!

EVERYTHING is beautiful here!

It's hard to tell with the giant glare, but these two lovely skeletons were found holding hands.  It's how they used to bury husbands and wives to show their eternal love.  That'll be Casey and me someday :)

The museum was informative and very well executed, and that's pretty much all I have to say after the super long mosque post.

Jumeirah Mosque

Six days after our arrival, we finally braved the early morning hours to visit the Jumeirah Mosque.  It was a really great introduction to the religion from which our new country is ruled.

We were blown away by the mosque's beauty and learned so much about Islam.

Here are some of our favorite pictures.

It's a miracle we got any pictures of the outside because we couldn't see a thing through our camera.

The inside is just as beautiful as the outside.

This mosque took three years to build.  
Can't imagine why...

The most beautiful ceiling I ever did see!

Decorated to perfection.

No shoes allowed :)

Here's our amazing guide (and her trusty assistant below).  
She was so kind and taught us so much.  It was one of the most interesting hours of my life.

Some brilliant desert women invented this black leather mask to protect their faces from the sun and sand, also worn completely by choice.

Sportin' my head scarf.

We learned SO much that we couldn't possibly write it all down, so here are our favorites.


1.  We all know that Ramadan is one of the biggest Islamic holidays, but it was interesting to hear the reasons for the month-long fast.  Besides helping them "lose a kilo or two," as our guide explained, fasting helps Muslims grow closer to God through patience and empathy.  They believe that by patiently awaiting food and water all day, they become more patient in all areas of their lives.  They also become more empathetic with people who are struggling with hunger every day.  It reminds them to give back when they can and help those in need.

2.  Abayas, the long black dresses worn by Muslim women in the Middle East, are not part of Islam; they're part of the Gulf culture.  The people here are genius, really.  The loose black layers create a shadow around the body, blocking out the sun's intense heat.  Our guide said it's actually quite cool underneath all the layers.  Islam, as well as most other religions in the world, asks women to dress modestly, so some women dress in long skirts or pants and others choose to wear the abaya.  It's completely up to the woman.  Many women are wearing very fashionable clothing underneath the abaya, which they show off at home, and when they need to head out, they just throw on the abaya over their outfit.  Also, different countries have different abaya styles and locals can tell where you're from just by what you're wearing!  Can you tell I'm slightly obsessed with the abaya?!  They're so interesting!

3.  Muslims are called to make a pilgrimage to Mecca one time in their lives if they are healthy enough and financially able to make the trip.  The trip is very taxing on the mind and body and can last for about a week.  There are so many interesting things about this pilgrimage, but my favorite fact is that all men must wear the exact same outfit - two, unstitched white cloths draped around their bodies.  This sounds strange, but they do it to take away differences.  A king could be praying next to an average Joe and no one would know the difference.  The point they're making is, we came into this world with nothing and we'll go out with nothing. The women, on the other hand, can wear anything as long as it covers them from head to toe.

  2 to 3 million people make the pilgrimage each year!

Despite only getting four hours of sleep, we're really glad we visited the mosque today.  We learned so many great things about Islam and its followers.  The main thing I'm taking away from today is that Islam is not a violent religion that promotes suicide bombing and extremist behavior.  It is a very peaceful religion, and Muslims are very kind and dedicated to their faith.  Just like every other religion or culture throughout the world, there are extremists who do awful things like flying planes into buildings or killing their wives in the name of "honor," but they do not represent the vast majority of Muslims.  The Koran does not teach violence nor condone such horrid acts of hatred, and it's a shame they use their holy book to justify their evil deeds.  If you're ever in Dubai (or any other Muslim country...or just passing a mosque on the way to the grocery store in America), this is a great way to learn more about a culture and religion misunderstood by so many Americans.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Madinat Jumeirah

Ahh... Madinat Jumeirah Resort, heaven on earth.  Without the generosity of Chris and Mary Beth, we wouldn't know this oasis existed.  I obviously stole this picture from Google images, but I wanted you to see it in all its glory.  It's a BEAUTIFUL resort.  So beautiful, in fact, that movie stars such as Ben Affleck and Tom Cruise stay there when they're in Dubai (we're basically famous!).  It's the most spectacular property surrounded by water I've ever seen.  Instead of walking, you are transported by boat.  It's so lovely that you forget about the heat and humidity and drift away to Dreamland as you float along the canals.  It's one of the greatest places I've been.

Here are the pictures we took with Casey's iPhone.  Again, it's way too humid to try taking pictures with the real camera.  These will have to do for the time being.

The boat stop outside our restaurant

The charming abra

Our chauffeur :)

The restaurant

Stole this one, too. 
The view of the Burj Al Arab is one of the best in Dubai. 
It's magical, isn't it?

Mary Beth and Chris, Casey's parents' friends from way back when.  
How lucky are we to know people in Dubai?!

Burj Al Arab from the boat

 Our second chauffeur - so happy!

This night was so special to us because it showed us the glamorous side of Dubai.  Before this, we were sleeping our lives away in the hotel, trying desperately to get caught up.  Mary Beth and Chris showed us the side of Dubai we've been dying to see since April, and it was nothing short of amazing.

Jumeirah Open Beach

We finally made it to the beach!  The private beaches were closed to women and children only today, so we decided to check out the public beach by our hotel.  It was filled with locals, so it was a neat experience, but I don't think we'll be back very often.  Besides the one girl I saw in the parking lot, I think I was the only girl there, and being surrounded by thousands of men isn't the most pleasant experience.  There were a lot of inappropriate looks going on, and it was clear that I was out of place, but it was really neat to see the beach covered with so many people having a great time after work.

We're checking out the private beaches tomorrow night. :)

Pretty skyline.

 Can you see the Burj Khalifa?  It's like a giant needle reaching into outer space! 

Poor Casey trying desperately to demistify our camera.